
Burnalong Partner Resources

Quick Links

Create Account

It’s easy to get started. Get your free Instructor Account created in seconds.

Your Profile

Update your profile by adding your email, bio, certifications, and avatar.

Plan Your Class

Instructors can stream classes live or upload them on-demand.

Filming Tips

Ready to film your first class? It’s easy to do it from home or your workplace! Check out this short video for helpful filming tips!


Upload a recorded class. This is a great option if you want to edit your class.

Go Live

Teach live classes to increase user motivation and accountability.

Untitled design (5)


Tips for creating great content

Getting started phase 1 and 2

Join the Community

  • Connect with other Burnalong Instructors
  • Ask quick questions that others may need as well
  • Get information from the Partnerships team such as upcoming events and reminders!
If you need additional assistance or have questions that aren’t answered here, please email [email protected] and one of our team members is happy to help!