Creating An Inclusive Culture: Tips to Recruit and Retain Great Talent

In order to recruit and retain great talent, a company must cultivate a vibrant and inclusive culture for employees to thrive in. Companies often find themselves struggling to achieve this goal.

Below is a list of actions all organizations should take, to improve the quality of their culture.

1. Admit that there is a problem – and take steps to make a change.

What is stopping your organization from having the culture you envision? Did you once have a great culture, but now you feel it is dull and lacking?

Burnalong Co-CEO Daniel Freedman recently had the opportunity to sit with former IKEA President, and Head of Global HR, Pernille Spiers-Lopez to discuss what she believes is one of the most important factors in creating a vibrant, inclusive work environment.

 Happy Diverse Workplace Laughing Together

Now that you’ve taken a deep look at the inner workings of your organization, let’s move forward with additional tips that can help you BUILD to start creating the vibrant, inclusive culture you desire.

2. Create Engaging Programs to Boost Employee Health and Wellbeing

Healthy employees are happy employees.
We have heard this over and over again, however many organizations still aren’t offering engaging health and wellness programs to ensure their employees are well cared for.

In-office, live options are a great start – from fitness classes to seminars. The common problem with this type of programming, for your employees, is not only time restraints, but overcoming fears of stepping into a new, uncomfortable environment.

Luckily, you CAN provide them with additional, flexible programming that fits into their schedule! Burnalong is a Health IT video platform, that allows employees to access fitness, meditation, wellness, nutrition and other classes (over 30+ categories) from the comfort of… wherever!

We helps companies globally:

    • Reduce sick days
    • Lower healthcare costs
    • Retain talented employees

All by creating happier and healthier employees (and their family members!)

Engaging your employees to stay healthy has never been easier! It takes less than 30 minutes to set your company up, and within seconds your employees can be exercising.

3. Create an Empowering Atmosphere

Don’t diminish your employees ideas.
Your employees are your number one asset. The creativity, and abilities they posses can allow your company to soar to the next levels of achievement.

Always be willing to listen to your employees questions, concerns, and ideas. Be sure that your employees are aware of your open door policy, and that you are open to hearing about all they have to say.

Providing your employees with this safe space is key in assuring that they feel comfortable with coming to the table with suggestions that they feel may better the organization.

4. Create Friendly Competition

Employees should be able to take the time to get to know each other and build bonds within the workplace. What better way to do this than to host a friendly, company wellness challenge that everyone can be involved in?!

Competitions can be internal (i.e. Which department can collect the most sales leads?), or you can choose to take part in a external, nationwide competition!

A good example? America’s Fittest Company Challenge!
Join companies across the country for a friendly competition to see which company can claim the health and wellness company title. The beauty (as last year’s participants will tell you) is that everyone ultimately wins from employees having an extra incentive and greater ease to look after their health and well-being.

Co-CEO Daniel Freedman joined Fox45 on set to discuss our upcoming America’s Fittest Company Challenge.

“It’s about creating a vibrant and inclusive culture,” said Daniel. And it’s really easy to start: “It’s takes minutes for companies to get set up, and within seconds employees can be participating.”

Get more information here:

5. Create a Warm Environment/Surroundings

The environment in which a person does their work can absolutely affect the quality of their mood and outlook throughout their workday.

Be sure that your employees have an a work environment that is comfortable and warm.

  • Incorporate natural items such as plants, to provide life and color!
  • Utilize open floor plans to allow interaction with other employees, and promote that they engage and get to know each other.

The options are endless. Check out more ideas here.

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