4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 250; Franklin, TN 37067
- Email: info@burnalong.com
What We Do
Who We Help
burnalong®, Burnalong is a registered trademark of Burnalong, Inc. © 2024 Burnalong, Inc. All rights reserved.
A gym with more than 100 instructors wanted to stay connected to their 10,000+ members while they weren’t able to come to classes in person. They partnered with Burnalong to provide additional content for their members, deliver live-streamed classes from their instructors, and stay connected.
Within 3 hours the client had hundreds of members active on Burnalong taking classes. And 1-day later their instructors were streaming live classes and uploading recorded classes to their private channel.
4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 250; Franklin, TN 37067