4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 250; Franklin, TN 37067
- Email: info@burnalong.com
What We Do
Who We Help
burnalong®, Burnalong is a registered trademark of Burnalong, Inc. © 2024 Burnalong, Inc. All rights reserved.
Navigate to well.Burnalong.com from your computer or mobile device. Login using your Burnalong credentials. If you have forgotten your password, click the “reset password” button.
A faster experience for both instructors and users. The ability to schedule, teach, and publish live classes from any device, including laptops. The ability to choose a thumbnail photo for any classes you upload. A feature allowing you to pre-schedule recurring live classes. Much more, coming soon!
You can view your stats in the partner dashboard that will show your minutes and reviews. More upgrades will continue to be made!
You can click on the ‘share class’ button on your classes page to get the URL!
You can add it to your class description.
We recommend you title your classes to indicate that they go together. For example, “3 Week Abs: Class 1/3”
You can navigate to “Instructors” and select your name to update your information. You can also go to “Business Profile” to edit information about your business.
You can use almost any device to stream live, including a laptop!
We are getting ready to release a brand new version of the Burnalong for Instructors App. Stay tuned! For now, you can use all of the features from any device by just navigating to well.burnalong.com. Just be sure to use the standard browser on your device.
Make sure you add “https://” at the beginning of your website. Once you do this, the site will accept the link.
Certifications and a bio are a requirement for being able to see your name in the dropdown. Navigate to the “instructors” tab of the partner portal and click “edit” next to your name. Make sure you have something listed for both certifications and bio.
If you didn’t select your name as the instructor, the class won’t show up. Please re-upload and be sure to select your name in the instructor dropdown.
Depending on your internet connection, it can take up to half the length of the class you are uploading. We recommend being on Wi-Fi to ensure the fastest speeds.
4031 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 250; Franklin, TN 37067