Burnalong Mobile Messaging Terms

Version 1.4

When you provide us with your mobile telephone number and if you choose to opt in to receive system messages and/or motivational messages, you agree that Burnalong may send you text messages (including SMS and MMS) to that mobile telephone number. You can adjust the frequency of your messages in your profile settings on go.Burnalong.com. Options for motivational messages that may be available include daily, weekly or monthly. Options for class reminders may include 24-hour notice, 5-hour notice or 5-minute notice.

Burnalong will never charge you for the text messages you receive, however, you may see message and data rate charges from your mobile provider, so be sure to check your plan. You are responsible for the payment to your mobile provider of any message, data and other charges related to text messages, including for confirmation texts you receive and your responses thereto. Texts may be sent through an automatic telephone dialing system. Consent to receive mobile messages is not required as a condition to using Go.Burnalong.com or our apps.

You may opt-out of receiving future text system messages or motivational messages from Burnalong at any time by either replying to a text message with the keyword “STOP” or by going to your profile settings on Go.Burnalong.com. If you opt-out, you agree to receive a final text message confirming opt-out status, which we may or may not send.

You agree to notify us of any changes to your mobile telephone number by updating your profile on Go.Burnalong.com. Your carrier may prohibit or restrict certain mobile features and certain mobile features may be incompatible with your carrier or mobile device. Contact your carrier with questions regarding these issues.

Your privacy is extremely important to us. For questions about our privacy policy, please go to: https://www.burnalong.com/privacy-policy/

For questions about our Terms of Service, please go to: https://www.burnalong.com/terms-of-service/